Data Integrations Between Various Environments
Closed     Case # 10017     Affiliated Job:  New Trier Township District 2031
Opened:  Unknown     Closed:  Unknown
Total Hit Count:  38620     Last Hit:  Saturday, July 27, 2024 2:28:14 AM
Unique Hit Count:  9229     Last Unique Hit:  Saturday, July 27, 2024 2:28:14 AM
Case Type(s):  Database, Server
Case Notes(s):  All cases are posted for review purposes only. Any implementations should be performed at your own risk.

Shortly after I started at New Trier, we lost our MIS Manager who had a variety of manually run synchronization routines in place to carry data between our many environments. I was tasked to review these integrations and either get them running or improve upon them.

I took his manually run routines, which were being performed through a Windows based Linux emulator which ran scripts that pulled data into temporary tables, adjusted the data and then carried that data into the destination system, and revised them into a single query with join statements that in the query "massaged" the data for the destination environments.

Action(s) Performed:
Total Action(s): 2
Action # Recorded Date Type Hit(s) User Expand Details
10064 2/16/2010 2:58:46 PM Database 3627 We have internal and also outsourced hosted, almost all web products which   Collapse ...
Last Hit: Friday, July 26, 2024 8:36:21 PM

We have internal and also outsourced hosted, almost all web products which we wish to have a single point of entry for the data that is held in each. The below reflects these environments:
-   eSchool Plus (Student Records)
   o   Internally hosted website and core of nearly all student information
-   eFinance Plus (Staff/Accounting information)
   o   Internally hosted website and core of nearly all staff information
-   Blackboard Academic Suite (Course/Teacher/Student and Enrollment Data)
   o   Internally hosted website fed data from eSchool
-   IVIS (Photo ID Bar-coding System)
   o   Internally hosted application for photo taking, bar-code generating and ID printing fed data from eSchool
-   Naviance (ACT/SAT/PSAT, etc.)
   o   Vendor hosted website integrated via a data dump flat file transmitted via SFTP
-   SIRSI (Library Cataloging System) [Retired and no longer used, replaced by Destiny]
   o   Vendor hosted website integrated via a data dump flat file via SFTP
-   Destiny (Library Cataloging System)
   o   Internally hosted website fed data from eSchool, eFinance & IVIS
-   WebSmart/WinSNAP (Cafeteria System)
   o   Internally hosted website fed data from eSchool & IVIS
-   EKTRON (Website Building and Hosting Application - Main Web Page)
   o   Internally hosted website fed data from eFinance
-   ListSERV (Distribution List Management System)
   o   Internally hosted website fed data from eSchool & eFinance
   o   Also developed website for creation of Custom Dynamic Distribution Lists based off eSchool
-   Vertical Response (Distribution List Management System)
   o   Vendor hosted website integrated via data dump and transmitted via an API provided by the vendor
-   Blackboard Connect (Formally NTI, Phone Tree System)
   o   Vendor hosted website integrated via data dump and transmitted via an API provided by the vendor
-   Microsoft Active Directory/Google Apps EDU (Student Accounts)
   o   Created a script to automate generation and maintenance of all student accounts in A.D. and Google Apps EDU fed data from eSchool
   o   Creates/Updates/Moves/Disables accounts in A.D.,
   o   Sets/Updates Group Assignments in A.D.,
   o   Creates/Updates Permissions/Moves User Folder on File Server,
   o   Generates/Disables Google Apps EDU account through Google Apps API
-   Microsoft Active Directory Staff Information
   o   eFinance populates information about staff into A.D.
10068 2/16/2010 2:35:29 PM Database 3564 Sample A.D. Query to Batch below, this assembles data from the eSchool stud  More ...

The above scripts are now entirely automated in the form of DTS packages that run across our SQL 2000 & 2005 environment and also out to our vendors to supply any updated and year to year roll over activity. Through these scripts, a great number of previously manual activities, like a new student in the middle of a current year, can now be achieved entirely automated also allowing a single point of entry through the Student Records or Finance system.

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